
Sunday, September 8, 2019

M/M: Kisses Sweeter Than Honey, Catullus XLVIII

Kissing Your Honey Sweet Eyes: Catullus Sings to His Boyfriend Juventius

Name: Catullus

Date:  84 – 54 BCE

Region:  Verona / Cisalpine Gaul [modern northern Italy]

Citation:  Poem 48


If I could kiss your honey sweet eyes,

I would kiss them three hundred thousand times.

I wouldn’t be satisfied

If our kisses were more plentiful

Than the waves of wheat in a field.

Kissing Your Honey Sweet Eyes: Catullus Sings to His Boyfriend Juventius

Mellitos oculos tuos, Juventi, 
si quis me sinat usque basiare,
usque ad milia basiem trecenta
nec mi umquam videar satur futurus,
non si densior aridis aristis
sit nostrae seges osculationis.

Catullus [Gaius Valerius Catullus; 84 – 54 BCE, modern Italy] was a Roman statesman born in Verona [modern Italy] who lived during the tumultuous last days of the Roman Republic.  His poetry offers rare insight into the lives of people who lived during his time period. Like Propertius and Tibullus, Catullus used a pseudonym for the objects of his attention; many of his love poems were addressed to either “Lesbia” or “Juventius.”