Name: Hyginus
Date: 64 BCE – 17 CE
Region: Hispania [modern Spain] / Alexandria
[modern Egypt]; Rome [modern Italy]
Citation: On Astronomy 2.25
THE CONSTELLATION VIRGO: Hesiod states that the constellation Virgo represents the daughter of Jupiter & Themis [Justice]. Aratus, however, thinks that it represents the daughter of Astraeus and Aurora [Eos, the goddess of the dawn], who existed during the Golden Age of Mankind, and was their leader. Because of her duty and fairness, she was also called "Justice." For at that time there was no threat to external war, there was no need for foreign trade or sea travel; everyone just lived off of the fruits of their own land. But after that age ended, the following generations were less able to mind their own business, and became greedy; therefore Justice was accustomed to dwell among humans less and less. Finally it got so bad that it became known as the "Bronze Age of Mankind." No longer able to endure the wretchedness of mankind, Justice flew off into the stars.
VIRGO: Hanc Hesiodus Iovis et Themidis filiam dicit; Aratus autem Astraei et Aurorae filiam existimari, quae eodem tempore fuerit cum aurea saecula hominum, et eorum principem fuisse demonstrat. Quam propter diligentiam et aequitatem Iustitiam appellatam; neque illo tempore ab hominibus exteras nationes bello lacessitas esse, neque navigio quemquam usum, sed agris colendis vitam agere consuesse. Sed post eorum obitum qui sint nati, eos minus officiosos, magis avaros coepisse fieri; quare minus Iustitiam inter homines fuisse conversatam. Denique causam pervenisse usque eo, dum diceretur aeneum genus hominum natum. Itaque iam non potuisse pati amplius et ad sidera evolasse.
Hyginus [Caius Julius Hyginus; 64 BCE – 17 CE, modern
Spain or Egypt] was one of Augustus’ freedmen and a famous mythographer. He was
originally from Hispania [modern Spain]. Some think that he was
actually from Alexandria [modern Egypt], and brought to Rome as a boy by Caesar
after the fall of Alexandria. He studied under the Greek scholar Cornelius
Alexander, then followed in his footsteps. He was in charge of the Palatine
library, and despite this, still had the time to teach many people. He was very
close friends with the poet Ovid and Clodius Licinius, the former consul and
historian who, after Hyginus fell into poverty, supported him financially
for as long as he lived.