
Friday, November 29, 2019

Losing Half of the Team: Polynices' Loss of Tydeus, Statius, Theb.9.82-85

Losing Half of the Team: Polynices’ Loss of Tydeus

Name:  Statius

Date:  45 – 96 CE

Region:  Naples [modern Italy]

Citation:  Thebiad 9.82 – 85

Polynices was led away [from his friend Tydeus’ body]

like a bull who has just lost

its yoke-mate, the companion of its labors.

It walks away from the furrow it had begun,

leaving the job unfinished,

with lowered head; it

drags the now empty half-yoke,

while a weeping farmer struggles

to hold up the other half.  


Losing Half of the Team: Polynices’ Loss of Tydeus

Ducitur amisso qualis consorte laborum
deserit inceptum media inter iugera sulcum
Taurus iners colloque iugum deforme remisso
parte trahit, partem lacrimans sustentat arator.

Statius [Publius Papinius Statius; 45 – 96 CE, modern Italy] was one of the most influential epic poets of the so-called “Silver Age” [the generations of authors who lived after the reign of Augustus and before the reign of the “Five Good Emperors”]. Statius spent most of his life in Naples, Italy. His most famous work, the Thebaid, is an epic poem that describes the civil war between the descendants of Oedipus. He also wrote the Achilleid, a short epic on the boyhood of Achilles.