Wednesday, May 13, 2020

M/M: A Little Cygnet: Cupavo, Vergil, Aen. 10.185-195

Beloved Cygnet: The Story of Cupavo

Name:  Vergil

Date:  70 – 19 BCE

Region:  Mantua [modern northern Italy]

Citation:  Aeneid 10.185-195

And I won’t fail to mention you,

Brave leader of the Ligures, Cynaris,

Or you, Cupavo, with your small band of warriors.

Cupavo, whose helmet crest had swan feathers

In defiance of Love, and to honor his father.

For they say his father Cygnus, out of love for his beloved Phaethon,

While singing in the leafy shade of his lover’s sisters [1] 

And consoling himself for his lost love with music,

His gray hairs turned to soft feathers

And leaving behind the earth as a singing swan,

He sought the stars.

His son Cupavo, accompanied by a troop of his peers

Steers the huge ship Centaur with its oars…

[1] According to myth, Phaethon's sisters, the Heliades, grieved so much that they were transformed into poplar trees, and their tears became amber.

Beloved Cygnet: The Story of Cupavo

Non ego te, Ligurum ductor fortissime bello,

transierim, Cynare, et paucis comitate Cupavo,

cuius olorinae surgunt de vertice pennae

(crimen, Amor, vestrum) formaeque insigne paternae.

Namque ferunt luctu Cycnum Phaethontis amati,

populeas inter frondes umbramque sororum

dum canit et maestum Musa solatur amorem,

canentem molli pluma duxisse senectam

linquentem terras et sidera voce sequentem.

Filius aequalis comitatus classe catervas

ingentem remis Centaurum promovet...


Vergil, also known as Virgil, [Publius Vergilius Maro; 70 – 19 BCE, modern Italy] was born in Mantua, Cisalpine Gaul, and lived during the tumultuous transition of Roman government from republic to monarchy. His writing talent earned him a place of honor among Maecenas’ fellow authors under Augustan rule. He was friends with numerous famous authors of the time period, including Horace and Asinius Pollio. His former slave Alexander was the most influential romantic partner in his life, and the poet memorialized his love for him under the pseudonym “Alexis” in Eclogue 2. His masterpiece, the Aeneid, tells the story of Aeneas’ migration from Troy to Italy; it was used for centuries as the pinnacle of Roman literature.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

M/M: In Honor of Their Love & Service: Harmodius & Aristogeiton, Val. Max. 2.10.ext.1

Name: Valerius Maximus

Date:  1st century CE

Region:  Unknown

Citation:  Memorable Deeds and Sayings   2.10.ext.1

When Xerxes captured Athens, he removed the bronze statues of Harmodius and Aristogeiton (who tried to liberate the city from a tyrant) and brought them back to his kingdom. After a long time had passed, Seleucus returned them to their original location. On the statues’ way back to Athens, the townspeople of Rhodes invited them to be public guests, and displayed them on their sacred couches*. There is nothing more blessed than this memory: that such reverence was held for such a meager amount of bronze.

*During festivals, cult statues would be removed from temples and put on display in special litter-like "couches" and paraded throughout the city.

Harmodii et Aristogitonis, qui Athenas tyrannide liberare conati sunt, effigies aeneas Xerxes ea urbe devicta in regnum suum transtulit. Longo deinde interiecto tempore Seleucus in pristinam sedem reportandas curavit. Rhodii quoque eas urbi suae appulsas, cum in hospitium publice invitassent, sacris etiam in pulvinaribus collocaverunt. Nihil hac memoria felicius, quae tantum venerationis in tam parvulo aere possidet.

Valerius Maximus [1st century CE] Little is known about the life of Valerius Maximus except that he wrote during the reign of the emperor Tiberius. His work, Memorable Deeds and Sayings, is a collection of examples from Roman and world history categorized by theme for the purpose of rhetorical exercises.

Friday, May 8, 2020

M/M: Love and Alliance, Vergil, Aen. 8.154-171

Name:  Vergil

Date:  70 – 19 BCE

Region:  Mantua [modern northern Italy]

Citation:  Aeneid 8.154 - 171

Evander Explains Why He Will Join Aeneas' Side:

"How happily I welcome you, bravest of Trojans!

How happily I see your father Anchises’ words and mannerisms in you!

For I remember Priam visited me in Arcadia

When he went to visit his sister Hesione in Salamis.

At that time I was still young—just entering my teens—

And I was amazed by the Trojan leaders, even Priam himself;

But Anchises was the best of all.

I had a giant crush on him [mihi mens iuvenali ardebat amore]

And I was dying to have him talk to me, or to give me a handshake,

I went up to him and took him on a tour of the city of Pheneum.

When he went back to Troy, he gave me

a wonderful quiver full of Lycian arrows

a beautiful cloak embroidered with golden thread

and the two horse bits and bridles

that I’ve given to my son Pallas to use.

So I will gladly join hands in treaty with you,

And at daybreak, I will happily give you troops and supplies.”

ut te, fortissime Teucrum,
accipio agnoscoque libens! ut verba parentis               
et vocem Anchisae magni vultumque recordor!
nam memini Hesionae visentem regna sororis
Laomedontiaden Priamum Salamina petentem
protinus Arcadiae gelidos invisere finis.
tum mihi prima genas vestibat flore iuventas,               
mirabarque duces Teucros, mirabar et ipsum
Laomedontiaden; sed cunctis altior ibat
Anchises. mihi mens iuvenali ardebat amore
compellare virum et dextrae coniungere dextram;
accessi et cupidus Phenei sub moenia duxi.               
ille mihi insignem pharetram Lyciasque sagittas
discedens chlamydemque auro dedit intertextam,
frenaque bina meus quae nunc habet aurea Pallas.
ergo et quam petitis iuncta est mihi foedere dextra,
et lux cum primum terris se crastina reddet,               
auxilio laetos dimittam opibusque iuvabo.

Vergil, also known as Virgil, [Publius Vergilius Maro; 70 – 19 BCE, modern Italy] was born in Mantua, Cisalpine Gaul, and lived during the tumultuous transition of Roman government from republic to monarchy. His writing talent earned him a place of honor among Maecenas’ fellow authors under Augustan rule. He was friends with numerous famous authors of the time period, including Horace and Asinius Pollio. His former slave Alexander was the most influential romantic partner in his life, and the poet memorialized his love for him under the pseudonym “Alexis” in Eclogue 2. His masterpiece, the Aeneid, tells the story of Aeneas’ migration from Troy to Italy; it was used for centuries as the pinnacle of Roman literature.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Challenging Gender Roles: the Mythical Amazons, Apollodorus Bibl.2.5.9

Overturning Gender Roles: The Amazons

Name: [Pseudo]Apollodorus

Date:   1st – 2nd century CE

Region:    Unknown

Citation:    Library 2.5.9

Often, authors will use depictions of other nations as a mirror for their own society. The Amazons were used as a foil for Greek [and later, Roman] gender roles for wives and mothers.

The Amazons excelled in waging war, and  trained in all of the “manly” arts. And if they conceived a child from their dalliances with men, they only raised their female offspring. They would remove their right breast so that it wouldn't interfere with their spear throwing ability, but their left breast remained intact, so they could still be able to nurse their children.

ἔθνος μέγα τὰ κατὰ πόλεμον: ἤσκουν γὰρ ἀνδρίαν, καὶ εἴ ποτε μιγεῖσαι γεννήσειαν, τὰ θήλεα ἔτρεφον, καὶ τοὺς μὲν δεξιοὺς μαστοὺς ἐξέθλιβον, ἵνα μὴ κωλύωνται ἀκοντίζειν, τοὺς δὲ ἀριστεροὺς εἴων, ἵνα τρέφοιεν.

 Haec gens erat bello gerendo praestantissima, quippe quae viriliter fortitudinem exercebant: ac si quando viris admistae peperissent, partus femineos educabant. Dextras ad haec mammas, ne iaculis emittendis impedimento forent, exterebant; laevas autem alendi filiorum gratia succrescere patiebantur.

Translated into Latin by Thomas Gale

Apollodorus [1st – 2nd century CE] is the name of the author of a famous collection of myths called the Bibliotheca / Library. Little is known about the author’s background or history.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

From Man to Woman and Back Again: Tiresias, Apollodorus, Bibl.3.6.7

Name: [Pseudo]Apollodorus

Date:   1st – 2nd century CE

Region:    Unknown

Citation:    Library 3.6.7

According to Hesiod, Tiresias caught sight of two mating snakes near Mt. Cyllene, and when they struck the pair with his walking stick, they transformed from a man to a woman. When they observed those same two snakes mating again a little later, they returned to his original manly form.

Hesiodus autem enarravit, conspicatum aliquando Tiresiam non procul a Cyllene coeuntes angues baculo cecidisse, eumque de viro in mulierem mutatum fuisse, et rursus ita coeuntes eosdem serpentes observasse, et in priorem viri formam rediisse.

Ἡσίοδος δέ φησιν ὅτι θεασάμενος περὶ Κυλλήνην ὄφεις συνουσιάζοντας καὶ τούτους τρώσας ἐγένετο ἐξ ἀνδρὸς γυνή, πάλιν δὲ τοὺς αὐτοὺς ὄφεις παρατηρήσας συνουσιάζοντας ἐγένετο ἀνήρ

Translated into Latin by Thomas Gale (1675)

Apollodorus [1st – 2nd century CE] is the name of the author of a famous collection of myths called the Bibliotheca / Library. Little is known about the author’s background or history.