
Monday, July 13, 2020

M/M: Love Conquers Evil: Harmodius & Aristogeiton, Max. Tyr. Diss. VIII

Adolescens quidam Atticus, amatores habebat duos, privatum hominem et tyrannum: quorum alter vir probus erat, conditionis suae memor: alter improbus, potentiae fiducia. Sed et adolescens vere pulcher erat, et amore non indignus: quo facilius tyrannum contempsit, privatum hominem amplexus est. Quare succensus ille, praeter alias iniurias, queis utrunque affecit, sororem Harmodii quae Panathenaeorum festo ad gerendum canistrum veniebat, cum ignominia eiecit. Huius facinoris poenam statim Pisistratidae dedere, causaque Atheniensibus libertatis fuit, contumeliosa tyranni libido, adolescentis audacia, probusque amor, et amatoris virtus. 

--Maximus of Tyre, Dissertation VIII

A certain Athenian youth [Harmodius] had two lovers: one was a citizen [Aristogeiton] and one was a tyrant [Hipparchus]. One of these men [Aristogeiton] was distinguished for his behavior, and knew his place in life; the other [Hipparchus] was wicked, and abused his position. This youth [Harmodius] was beautiful and worthy of love; and so he matter-of-factly rejected the tyrant [Hipparchus] and dated the private citizen. The tyrant became angry at this fact and, took his anger out on both youths, as well as Harmodius’ sister, whom he banned from carrying the sacred baskets at the Panathenian Festival (implying she was not a virgin). Immediately this tyrant [Hipparchus] paid the penalty for his conduct, and the shameful lust of the tyrant, together with the daring of the youth, his appropriate love, and his love of virtue, was the cause of the liberation of Athens [from tyranny].

Name:  Cassius Maximus Tyrius
Date:  2nd c. CE
Works:  Dissertations

Region 1: Peninsular Italy; Region 2: Western Europe; Region 3: Western Coast of Africa; Region 4: Egypt and Eastern Mediterranean; Region 5: Greece and the Balkans

Maximus of Tyre was listed as one of the most influential people in the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius’ life. Maximus spent most of his life in scholarly pursuits; his Dissertations were a collection of philosophical treatises based on the thought of Plato.
ARCHAIC: (through 6th c. BCE); GOLDEN AGE: (5th - 4th c. BCE); HELLENISTIC: (4th c. BCE - 1st c. BCE); ROMAN: (1st c. BCE - 4th c. CE); POST CONSTANTINOPLE: (4th c. CE - 8th c. CE); BYZANTINE: (post 8th c CE)