
Sunday, November 1, 2020

Bringing Home A Gold Medal: Cynisca, Princess of Sparta [Greek Anthology xiii.16]

Cynisca was a member of Spartan royalty who won the chariot race in the Olympics of 396 BCE


Spartae quidem reges mei patres et fratres,

curribusque velocipedum equorum vincens Cynisca

imaginem hanc erexi. Solam autem me aio mulierum

Hellade ex omni hanc reportasse coronam.


Σπάρτας μέν βασιλήες εμοί πατέρες και αδελφοί

άρμασι δ ώκυπόδων ίππων νικώσα Κυνίσκα

εικόνα τάνδ έστησα Μόναν δε με φαμί γυναικών

Ελλάδος εκ πάσας τόνδε λαβείν στέφανον  

--Greek Anthology xiii.16, Translated into Latin by Frederick Duebner

My forefathers & brothers were Kings of Sparta;

I, Cynisca, erect this monument

In my chariot-racing victory.

Of all the women in Greece,

I alone can say that I brought home the prize.



Name:  ????


Works:  Greek Anthology; Anthologia Graeca; Florilegii Graecii



Map of Roman Empire Divided into Regions



 The Greek Anthology is a modern collection of Greek lyric poetry compiled from various sources over the course of Greco-Roman literature. The current collection was created from two major sources, one from the 10th century CE and one from the 14th century CE. The anthology contains authors spanning the entirety of Greek literature, from archaic poets to Byzantine Christian poets.  

 Byzantine Greek

ARCHAIC: (through 6th c. BCE); GOLDEN AGE: (5th - 4th c. BCE); HELLENISTIC: (4th c. BCE - 1st c. BCE); ROMAN: (1st c. BCE - 4th c. CE); POST CONSTANTINOPLE: (4th c. CE - 8th c. CE); BYZANTINE: (post 8th c CE)

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