
Saturday, January 30, 2021

From Aeteta to Aetetus: Phlegon of Tralles, de Mirab. IX

 Note: Throughout his work, Phlegon uses the term ἀνδρόγυνος as an umbrella term for people of extraordinary sex, making no differentiation between intersex and transgender people. 

Quin et Laodiceae, quae est in Syria, mulier Aeteta nomine, etiamnum cum marito degens, e femina vir extitit, cui nomen Aetetus: praeside Athenis Macrino, Romae consulatum gerentibus L. Lamia et Aeliano Vetere. Hunc ipse quoque vidi.

Kai ές Λαοδίκειαν δε της Συρίας γυνή ονόματι Αίτητη, συνοικούσα τω ανδρι έτι, μετέβαλε την μορφήν, και μετωνομάσθη Αίτητος ανήρ γενόμενος. Άρχοντος Αθήνησι Μακρίνου, υπατευόντων

έν Ρώμη Λουκίου Λαμία, και Αιλιανού Ουέτερος, τούτον και αυτός έθεασάμην. 

--Phlegon of Tralles, de Mirabilia IX, Translated to Latin by Wilhelm Xylander

Also in Laodica (which is in Syria), there was a woman by the name of Aeteta living with her husband when she changed from woman to man, and then used the name Aetetus. This happened when Macrinus was in charge of Athens, and when Lucius Lamia and Aelianus Vetus were consuls in Rome. I saw this man with my own eyes. 

Phlegon of Tralles


Name:  Phlegon

Date: 2nd century CE

Works:  On Marvels



Region 1: Peninsular Italy; Region 2: Western Europe; Region 3: Western Coast of Africa; Region 4: Egypt and Eastern Mediterranean; Region 5: Greece and the Balkans



According to the Suda [φ527], Phlegon of Tralles was a freedman of the Roman Emperor Hadrian. He wrote numerous works in Greek that are now lost, including the Olympiads and Roman festivals. His work, On Marvels, is a collection of extraordinary occurrences throughout history.


 Roman Greek Literature

ARCHAIC: (through 6th c. BCE); GOLDEN AGE: (5th - 4th c. BCE); ALEXANDRIAN: (4th c. BCE - 1st c. BCE); ROMAN: (1st c. BCE - 4th c. CE); POST CONSTANTINOPLE: (4th c. CE - 8th c. CE); BYZANTINE: (post 8th c CE)

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