
Saturday, April 24, 2021

I am still the same: Cicero, Ad Atticum 3.5


Name:  Cicero

Date106 – 43 BCE

Region:  Rome [modern Italy]

Citation:  Letters to Atticus 3.5

Cicero wrote this letter to Atticus when he was going into exile. It was one of the lowest points of his life, and his raw emotions are evident in his request for support.

 Atticus, Terentia gives you frequent and immense thanks, and I do, too. I am doing really badly and I’m overwhelmed with the greatest sorrow. I don’t even know what to write to you. If you’re at Rome, it’s too late to follow me; but if you’re already on the road, when you catch up to me, we can discuss what I’ve got to do. I beg you one thing: as you have always loved me, please keep the same level of support, for I am still the same person.  My enemies have taken away everything from me except myself. Please, take care of yourself.

Cicero Attico s.

Terentia tibi et saepe et maximas agit gratias. Id est mihi gratissimum. Ego vivo miserrimus et maximo dolore conficior. Ad te quid scribam nescio. Si enim es Romae, iam me adsequi non potes; sin es in via, cum eris me adsecutus, coram agemus quae erunt agenda. Tantum te oro ut, quoniam me ipsum semper amasti, ut eodem amore sis; ego enim idem sum. inimici mei mea mihi, non me ipsum ademerunt. Cura ut valeas.

Cicero [Marcus Tullius Cicero; 106 – 43 BCE, modern Italy] was an Italian-born Roman statesman and author who lived during the complexities of Rome’s transition from Republic to monarchy. Cicero spent most of his life in service of his country, serving as both a lawyer, senator, and even consul [Roman equivalent of president]. He is known for his suppression of the failed governmental coup in 63 BCE known as the Catilinarian conspiracy that occurred during his consulship. After the rise of Octavian [later known as the first Roman emperor Augustus], his views fell out of favor and he was eventually put to death during the proscriptions under the Second Triumvirate [Octavian, Marc Antony and Lepidus]. He was a prolific author in a wide range in genres, and his literary style was adopted by Petrarch as the default model for the Latin language.

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