Friday, April 2, 2021

Sappho, You are My Rival! --Nossis, fr. 3

 Stranger, if you happen to sail to Mytilene,

Famous for its beautiful dances,

Famous for raising Sappho, the Graces’ own fine flower,

Please let them know that there is another:

This one was beloved by the Muses,

She was equal to Sappho, but blossomed in Locris,

And her name was Nossis.


O hospis, si tu ingressus fueris Mitylenen in pulchro loco positam,

Sapphus gratiarum florem immaturus,

Dicas, eam Musis esse amicam, & Locrensem illi

similes peperisse, eiusque nomen esse Nossidem, abi.

Ω ξειν, ει τύ γε πλεις ποτί καλλίχορον Μιτυλάνων

Ταν Σαπφούς χαρίτων άνθος έναυσόμενος

 Ειπείν ως Μούσαισι φίλα τήνατε Λόκρισσα

Τίκτεν ίσαις ότι θ'οι τούνομα Νοσσίς. ιθι

--Nossis, fr. 3, Translated into Latin by Io. Christopher Wolf (1733)

Nossis was considered among the famous nine women poets of ancient Greek literature. She lived in Locris (southern Italy) during the 3rd century. Several of her poems are preserved in the Greek Anthology; like that of her literary predecessor Sappho, Nossis’ poetry provides great insight into the lives of women in the ancient world.


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