
Saturday, July 31, 2021

M/M: Roses for Apollinaris, Martial, Epig. VII.87

The poet Martial uses erotic imagery in addressing his patron.

 I, felix rosa, mollibusque sertis

nostri cinge comas Apollinaris.

Quas tu nectere candidas, sed olim,

sic te semper amet Venus, memento.

--Martial, Epig.VII.89

Go, blessed rose, weave yourself

Into a delicate crown

upon my Apollinaris’ hair.

Remember to crown him

Even when his hair is gray,

(that day will come, but not too soon)

And may Venus love you so forever.



Name: Marcus Valerius Martialis

Date:  40 CE – 104 CE

Works:  Epigrammaton Libri XV*

               De Spectaculis


REGION  2 (Hispania)

Region 1: Peninsular Italy; Region 2: Western Europe; Region 3: Western Coast of Africa; Region 4: Egypt and Eastern Mediterranean; Region 5: Greece and the Balkans



Originally from Bilbilis, Hispania, the poet Martial moved to Rome in the 60s CE to advance his career. His two extant works include de Spectaculis, a collection of poems written to commemorate the opening of the Colosseum, and a fifteen volume collection of epigrams. These epigrams provide valuable insight into the mores and private lives of men and women from all of the city’s social classes.     


Early Roman Lit: through 2nd c BCE: Republican Rome: through 1st c. BCE; Golden Age: 70 BCE to 18 CE; Silver Age: 18 CE to 150 CE; Age of Conflict: 150 CE - 410 CE; Byzantine and Late Latin: after 410 CE

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