
Saturday, November 20, 2021

M/M: A Hymn for the Sacred Band of Thebes, Greek Anthology XIII.22

Arcum quidem, quo Gigantis deiecisti robur,

cohibe a violentia, longinque-iaculans regnator;

non tibi pharetra aperiatur luporum-interfect[or];

sed hos in adolescentes sagittam

verte Amoris, ut auxilientur patriae,

impavidi amore iuvenum.

Ignis est vis ille est et deorum supremus

usque hic ad propugnatores excitandos.

Melistionis autem, o patrium numen

Schoeniensium, studium tui accipe.

τόξον μέν, ᾧ Γίγαντος ὤλεσας σθένος,

ἴσχε βίης, Ἑκάεργ᾽ ἀνάσσων:

† οὒ οἱ φαρέτρη λύεται λυκοκτόνος:

τοῖσδε δ᾽ ἐπ᾽ ἠιθέοις ὀιστὸν ^

στρέφειν Ἔρωτος, τόφρ᾽ ἀλέξωνται πάτρῃ,

θαρσαλέοι φιλότατι κούρων

πυροῖ γὰρ ἀλκήν,^ καὶ θεῶν ὑπέρτατος

αἰὲν ὅδε προμάχους ἀέξειν.

Μελιστίωνος δ᾽, ὦ πατρώιον σέβας

Σχοινιέων, ἐπίηρα δέχθαι.

---Phaedimus, Greek Anthology XIII.22; Translated into Latin by Hugo Grottius

My lord, Far-Shooter,

Hold back the bow

you used to bring down the hearts of giants!

Do not open the quiver of the Wolf Slayer!

Instead use the arrows of Love

On our youth  

So this courageous love of these young men

May defend our homeland!

This love kindles their courage,

O Greatest of the gods,

Ever improving these champions.

O Guardian of Schoenians [Thebans],

Accept this gift of Melistion.



Name:  ????


Works:  Greek Anthology; Anthologia Graeca; Florilegii Graecii



Region 1: Peninsular Italy; Region 2: Western Europe; Region 3: Western Coast of Africa; Region 4: Egypt and Eastern Mediterranean; Region 5: Greece and the Balkans



 The Greek Anthology is a modern collection of Greek lyric poetry compiled from various sources over the course of Greco-Roman literature. The current collection was created from two major sources, one from the 10th century CE and one from the 14th century CE. The anthology contains authors spanning the entirety of Greek literature, from archaic poets to Byzantine Christian poets. 

 Byzantine Greek

ARCHAIC: (through 6th c. BCE); GOLDEN AGE: (5th - 4th c. BCE); HELLENISTIC: (4th c. BCE - 1st c. BCE); ROMAN: (1st c. BCE - 4th c. CE); POST CONSTANTINOPLE: (4th c. CE - 8th c. CE); BYZANTINE: (post 8th c CE)


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