Saturday, November 27, 2021

M/M: Polyptoton: Anacreon fr. 359

Name: Anacreon

Date582 – 485 BCE

Region:  Teos [modern Turkey]

Citation: Fragment 359

Polyptoton is a rhetorical device where the same word is used throughout a passage, but in various noun cases. In this fragment of Anacreon, the poem's subject Kleoboulos / Cleoboulus is used in the genitive, dative, and accusative case. 

I yearn for Kleoboulos!

I’m crazy about Kleoboulos!

I gaze upon Kleoboulos!

Κλουβέλου μεν έγωγή ερεώ

Κλευβέλω δ έπι μαίνομαι

Κλεύβαλον δε διοσκεώ.


Cleobouli amore uror!

Cleoboulus me furit!

Cleoboulem contueor!

 translated into Latin by K. Masters 

Anacreon was a Greek poet who lived during the 6th century BCE. He was born in Teos (modern Turkey) during a period of intense conflict between the Ionian and Persian forces, and did not remain in his homeland for long. Sources indicate that he found success and fame for his poetry in Samos and Athens, but little is known about his life beyond anecdotes written hundreds of years after his death.  His poetry was exceedingly popular, to the extent that an entire genre of poetry was dedicated to his style of writing; the Anacreonta are a collection of poems written in imitation of his writing style composed by Greek authors throughout the centuries. Despite Anacreon’s immense popularity and influence on literature, only fragments remain of his poetry today.


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