Name: Propertius
Date: 50 – 15 BCE
Region: Assisium [modern Italy]
Citation: Elegies 4.2
Why are you
surprised by my many shapes in my one body?
Just accept that
I, Vertumnus, am a god.
I’m Tuscan born,
and I’m native of Tuscany,
And I’m not
ashamed to have abandoned the Volsinian side in battle.
This is my kind
of crowd. I’m not too fond of ivory temples,
I’m okay with
just watching over the Roman Forum.
This is where the
Tiber River once made its way;
It is said that
the sound of oars was heard splashing here.
And after Father
Tiber granted this land to his offspring,
I, Vertumnus was named after the “Bend in the Stream [1].”
Or, maybe I’m named that way because I receive first fruits after the “turning of the year [2]"
And you believe this is sacred rite to Vertumnus.
The grape in its cluster ripens for me; the wheat heads grow heavy.
In me, you see the sweet cherry, the autumn plums, and the mulberry deepen in color on a summer day.
You see the grafter dedicate a crown of fruit to me, after an unwilling pear tree begins to sprout apples.
Okay, stop talking about me; there’s another reason to my name.
Believe me, a god, as I tell you about myself:
Nature made me fit for every figure.
I can change into any shape you want.
Clothe me in Coan clothes and I’ll be a flirty girl;
If I put on a toga, who will deny that I’m a man?
Give me a scythe and put a knot of hay upon my forehead, and you’d swear I was the reaper who cut the grain myself.
There was I time that I remember when I took up arms, and I was renowned for it, and I was a reaper bearing a load of baskets.
I’m serious as a lawyer, but if you put a garland on my head, you’d swear I was a partygoer. Put a Phrygian cap on my head, and I will rave like a bacchant; I’ll play Apollo, if you give me a lyre. Give me hunting supplies, and I’ll be a hunter; but, with other supplies, I’ll only hunt birds.
And I’ve also been a charioteer, as well as a warrior who can leap from horse to horse. Give me a rod, and I’ll be a fisherman; or give me a long tunic, and I’ll be a fastidious merchant. I can pose like a shepherd with his crook; I can carry a basket of roses through the dusty streets.
What else should I add to heighten my fame, that puts the first fruits of the garden into my hands? Dark cucumbers and fat gourds and cabbages tied with a garland of rushes give away my identity; no flower blossoms in the fields that doesn’t also rest upon my forehead.
But since I alone can turn [3] into every shape, I was named for this in my country’s language.
You, Rome, have given tribute to my Tuscans (this is where the Tuscan Way got its name), when Lycomedius came with armed reinforcement, when he defeated cruel Tatius’ Sabine forces. I myself saw the broken ranks, the falling weapons, the enemy forced into a shameful retreat.
Blessed Jupiter, see to it that the toga-wearing race of Rome stay in my sight forever.
Only six lines left: you are off to court, go on your way, I won’t keep you, don’t bother to read the rest.
I used to be a trunk of a maple tree,
But then I was carved by an ax.
Before Numa’s reign, I was a humble god in a humble city.
But Mamurrius, the artist sculpted me in bronze,
May the Oscan
earth never harm your hands, Mammurius,
Since you created
me for such a pleasant purpose!
There is only one
sculpture of me, but more than one honors for such a sculpture.
Vertumnus Boasts of His Abilities
Quid mirare meas tot in uno corpore
accipe Vertumni signa fatente deo.
Tuscus ego Tuscis orior, nec paenitet
proelis Volsinios deseruisse focos.
Haec me turba iuuat, nec templo laetor
Romanum satis est posse videre Forum.
Hac quondam Tiberinus iter faciebat,
et aiunt
remorum auditos per vada pulsa sonos:
at postquam ille suis tantum concessit
VertAMNUS verso dicor ab amne deus.
Seu, quia vertentis fructum
praecepimus anni,
VertANNI rursus creditur esse sacrum.
Prima mihi variat liventibus uva
et coma lactenti spicea fruge tumet;
hic dulcis cerasos, hic autumnalia
cernis et aestiuo mora rubere die;
insitor hic soluit pomosa vota corona,
cum pirus invito stipite mala tulit.
Mendax fama, vaces: alius mihi nominis
de se narranti tu modo crede deo.
Opportuna mea est cunctis natura
in quamcumque voles verte, decorus
Indue me Cois, fiam non dura puella:
meque virum sumpta quis neget esse
Da falcem et torto frontem mihi
comprime faeno:
iurabis nostra gramina secta manu.
Arma tuli quondam et, memini, laudabar
in illis:
corbis et imposito pondere messor
Sobrius ad lites: at cum est imposta
clamabis capiti vina subisse meo.
Cinge caput mitra, speciem furabor
furabor Phoebi, si modo plectra dabis.
Cassibus impositis venor: sed
harundine sumpta
fautor plumoso sum deus aucupio.
Est etiam aurigae species cum verbere
et eius
traicit alterno qui leve corpus equo.
Suppetat hic, piscis calamo praedabor,
et ibo
mundus demissis institor in tunicis.
Pastor me ad baculum possum curvare
vel idem
sirpiculis medio pulvere ferre rosam.
Nam quid ego adiciam, de quo mihi
maxima fama est,
hortorum in manibus dona probata meis?
Caeruleus cucumis tumidoque cucurbita
me notat et iunco brassica vincta
nec flos ullus hiat pratis, quin ille
impositus fronti langueat ante meae.
At mihi, quod formas unus vertebar in
nomen ab eventu patria lingua dedit;
et tu, Roma, meis tribuisti praemia
(unde hodie Vicus nomina Tuscus habet),
tempore quo sociis venit Lycomedius
atque Sabina feri contudit arma Tati.
Vidi ego labentis acies et tela
atque hostis turpi terga dedisse
Sed facias, divum Sator, ut Romana per
transeat ante meos turba togata pedes.
Sex superant versus: te, qui ad
vadimonia curris,
non moror: haec spatiis ultima creta
Stipes acernus eram, properanti falce
ante Numam grata pauper in urbe deus.
At tibi, Mamurri, formae caelator
tellus artifices ne terat Osca manus,
qui me tam docilis potuisti fundere in
Unum opus est, operi non datur unus
Propertius [Sextus Propertius; 50-15 BCE, modern Italy]
was an Italian-born Roman lyric poet whose love poetry provides insight into
the customs of Augustan Rome. Like Catullus and Tibullus, Propertius
used a pseudonym for the object of his attention; many of his love poems were
addressed to “Cynthia.”