Saturday, April 2, 2022

Horace's New Crush, Epodes 11.1-10, 22-27

Name:  Horace

Date:  65 – 8 BCE

Region: Venosa / Rome [modern Italy]

Citation:  Songs 1.1-10,22-27

 In this poem, the narrator describes how their crush on Inachia faded, and now they are attracted to Lyciscus. 

Pettius, I just can’t keep writing poetry

The way I used to, now that I’m lovestruck.

This love impels me to burn (more feverously than others do!)

For a sweet boyfriend or girlfriend.

It’s been three Decembers

Since I stopped burning for Inachia…

Oh no! It’s shameful to admit this,

But I was the talk of the town,

I was no fun at parties,

Always quiet and withdrawn.

Now a love for Lyciscus has overtaken me,

A guy who boasts he can surpass a woman in softness.

And now nothing my friends tell me—advice or criticism—

Can help me, only a new crush

For a beautiful girlfriend

Or a long-haired boyfriend.

Petti, nihil me sicut antea iuvat

      scribere versiculos amore percussum gravi,

amore, qui me praeter omnis expetit

      mollibus in pueris aut in puellis urere.

hic tertius December, ex quo destiti

      Inachia furere...

heu me, per Urbem (nam pudet tanti mali)

      fabula quanta fui, conviviorum et paenitet,

in quis amantem languor et silentium

      arguit et latere petitus imo spiritus…

nunc gloriantis quamlibet mulierculam

      vincere mollitia amor Lycisci me tenet;

unde expedire non amicorum queant

      libera consilia nec contumeliae graves,

sed alius ardor aut puellae candidae

      aut teretis pueri longam renodantis comam.



Horace [Quintus Horatius Flaccus; 65 – 8 BCE, modern Italy] is known for his famous line, “Carpe Diem.” He was an Italian-born poet who lived during the rise and reign of Rome’s first emperor, Augustus. Although his life began with civil unrest and uncertainty (his father was enslaved and later freed during the civil wars of the 1st century BCE), Horace became friends with the influential entrepreneur Maecenas and earned the position in Augustus’ literary circle.  His poetry provides valuable insight into social changes that occurred during the transition from republic to empire. 

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