Name: Martial Date: c. 40 – 100 CE Region: Bilbilis, Hispania [modern Spain] Citation: Epigrams 11.26 |
NOTE: Although the Romans did not find the relationship between Zeus and Ganymede problematic, it is important to not romanticize this relationship in the modern world, as the massive power imbalance negates the consent of the relationship in our views.
Telesphorus, darling, my sweet respite from stress,
My love, I’ve never felt this way before I’d embraced you,
Give me kisses that taste like wine,
Give me wineglasses that your lips have first kissed.
If you also grant me your love,
I’d say I’m better than Jupiter with his Ganymede.
O mihi grata quies, o blanda, Telesphore, cura,
qualis in amplexu non
fuit ante meo,
basia da nobis vetulo, puer, uda Falerno,
pocula da labris facta
minora tuis.
Addideris super haec Veneris si gaudia vera,
esse negem melius cum
Ganymede Jovi.
Martial [Marcus Valerius Martialis; 38 BCE – 102 CE, modern
Spain] Originally from Bilbilis, Hispania, the poet Martial moved to Rome in
the 60s CE to advance his career. His two extant works include de
Spectaculis, a collection of poems written to commemorate the opening of
the Colosseum, and a fifteen volume collection of epigrams. These poems provide
valuable insight into the private lives of Romans from all of the city’s social
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