Saturday, August 27, 2022

M/M: Cyparissus and Apollo. Lactantius Placidus Narr. 10.3

Name: Lactantius Placidus

Date:  5th or 6th century CE

Region:    Unknown

Citation:  Plots of Ovid’s Myths, Book 10, Story 3

Cyparissus, the son of Amycleius, from the island of Cea. Apollo loved him and when he had tried to kill himself over the death of a pet stag he’d accidentally killed, Apollo snatched him from danger and turned him into a tree with the same name (Cypress tree).

Cyparissus, Amyclei filius, ex insula Ceae. hunc Apollo dilexit et propter cervum patientem manus, quem per inprudentiam sagitta transfixum interemerat, manus adferentem sibi periculo eripuit et protinus in arborem genetivi nominis vertit.

Lactantius Placidus [5th or 6th century CE] is the name of the author attributed to a prose summary of Ovid’s Metamorphoses, but little is known about the author or his time period.

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