Name: Synesius of Cyrene Date: 373 – 414 CE Region: Cyrene [modern Libya] Citation: Letter 123 |
Roman men often had deep, loving and affectionate friendships with their peers. There was no shame or stigma in expressing love and support to one another.
Dear Troilus,
Even if death erases the memory of our souls,
I will still be able to remember you there, dear friend!
This is a quote of Homer, but I don’t know if they were written more for Achilles and Patroclus than for us, dear friend! May God above, Whom wisdom cherishes, bear witness that the image of your sacred and most precious spirit is fixed deep within my heart, and even now, the words of your wisdom-instilled voice still resonate in my ears. When I returned home from Egypt, I read the letters you’d written me for the past two years and I wept profusely. Your letters didn’t cause me happiness, but rather grief, for as I read them, I recalled from spending time with you in real life, and now it seems I’m mourning the loss of a friend, even a parent, with your absence—even through you are still alive! I’ll proudly do my duty and undertake serious challenges for my country, if only I can find an opportunity to leave it. When will I enjoy seeing your face again, dearest Father? When will I wrap my arms around your sacred neck? When will I spend time with you again? If this ever should happen, I would be like what they say about Aeson from Thessaly, and become young again.
Quod si Erebo
vita functorum oblivia tangant,
illic vel chari
potero meminisse sodalis.
Sunt illi
quidem ab Homero versus scripti; sed eorum sensus nescio an ab Achille potius
de Patroclo quam a me de te amicissimo, ac benefico capite, usurpari merito
possit. quam eloquidem, ut testis est mihi Deus, quem philosophia colit, sacri
tui ac suavisissimi animi infixam imaginem medio in corde circumfero, et
auribus etiamnum illa sapientissimorum tuorum sermonum vox insonat. Cum autem
ex Aegypto in patriam rediissem, ac duorum annorum simul epistolas legissem,
magnam equidem in litteras vim lacrimarum profudi. Non tam enim, quod te per
litteras quodammodo fruerer, mihi voluptatem afferebat, quam illud dolore
afficiebat, cum ex scriptis tuis litteris praesentem ac vivam in animam
consuetudinem revocarem; cuiusmodi scilicet et amico simul, et vere parente
vivo essem orbatus. Libenter igitur graviora pro patria certamina subeam, mihi
ut iterum profectionis occasio praebeatur. Num quando conspectu tuo perfruar,
Pater vere germanissime? num quando sacrum tuum caput amplectar? num concilii
propter te beati particeps ero? Si enim ea mihi obtinere contigerit,
efficiam profecto, ut iam fabula non sit, quod de Aesone Thessalo dicitur
praedicant, cum ex sene repente esset iuvenis factus.
Translated by J. P. Migne (1864)
of Cyrene [373 – 414 CE, modern Libya] was a
Greek writer and statesman from Cyrene. He is known as one of Hypatia’s most
famous students. His education took him to both Alexandria, Egypt and Athens,
Greece; he spent many years in Constantinople advocating on behalf of his
community. His letters are still extant, and provide us with unique insights
into this time period.
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