
Monday, December 26, 2022

M/M: Distracted by Love: Apollo and Hymenaeus, Antoninus Liberalis 23

Argus Phrixi filius et Perimele Admeto nata, filium habebat Magnetem nomine, qui vicinam Thessaliae regionem incoluit: eam, cui ab eo Magnesiae nomen homines fecerunt. Filius ei fuit Hymenaeus, excellenti forma. Hunc cum Apollo cantentem audivisset, amoreque eius correptus a domo Magnetis non discederet: Mercurius armento boum Apollinis, quod iuxta Admeti pascebat, insidias tendit. Ac primum quidem canibus armenta ea custodientibus, veteruum anginamque immittit: eae oblitae boum, custodiaeque sunt. Buculas ita Mercurius abigit, duodecim, et boves iugi ignaros centum, taurumque armenti virum. Caudis singulorum aliquid sylvestris materiae appendit, ad delenda boum vestigia. agitque armentum per Boeotiam, Megarensem agrum, indeque in Peloponnesum per Corinthum et Larissam, Tegeam usque. 

--Antoninus Liberalus, Metamorphoses 23; translated into Latin by Xylander 1832 [Greek text forthcoming]

Argus (the son of Phrixus) and Perimele (the daughter of Admetus) had a son name Magnes, who dwelled in the area of Thessaly; therefore this region is known as Magnesia. Magnes had a son named Hymenaeus, who was incredibly good looking. When Apollo heard Hymenaeus singing, he fell in love with him and wouldn’t leave Magnes’ home. Mercury plotted to seize Apollo’s flock of cows, which he tended along side Admetus’. First off, he poisoned Apollo’s guard dogs with a drug which caused them to forget the cows and their duty to protect them.  Mercury abducted twelve grown cows and a hundred unbroken ones, as well as the flock’s bull. He tied branches to their tails to destroy all traces of their tracks. Mercury led these cows throughout Boeotia, Megarian territory, and then took them throughout the Peloponnese through Corinth and Larissa, all the way to Tegea.



Name: Antoninus Liberalis  

Date:  2nd – 3rd c. CE

Works:  Metamorphoses*





 Little is known about the life of the Greek author Antoninus Liberalis. His work, Metamorphoses, is similar to the works of Hyginus in that they provide brief summaries of Greek and Roman myths.





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