Throughout this turbulent time period, Epaminondas spent his time at home away from the political drama, so the honor of being the liberator of Thebes belongs to Pelopidas alone. There are many other accolades, however, that he shared with Epaminondas. For although Epaminondas was in charge during the battle of Leuctra, it was Pelopidas who was the leader of the Sacred Band that first broke apart the Spartan battle lines. Pelopidas was there for all of these dangers, and even led a wing of the army during the attack on Sparta. He was sent as an ambassador to Persia in order to restore control of Messena. And so Pelopidas was one of the most important men of Thebes, but he still was second to Epaminondas in fame.
--Cornelius Nepos, Vita Pelopidae 4.1-3
Hoc tam turbido tempore, sicut supra docuimus, Epaminondas quoad cum
civibus dimicatum est, domi quietus fuit. Itaque haec liberandarum Thebarum
propria laus est Pelopidae: ceterae fere communes cum Epaminonda. 2 Namque in Leuctrica pugna imperatore Epaminonda hic
fuit dux delectae manus, quae prima phalangem prostravit Laconum. 3 Omnibus praeterea periculis adfuit - sicut, Spartam cum
oppugnavit, alterum tenuit cornu -, quoque Messena celerius restitueretur,
legatus in Persas est profectus. Denique haec fuit altera persona Thebis, sed
tamen secunda ita, ut proxima esset Epaminondae.
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