Rejecting Purity Culture: A Christian Author Lambasts
Vestal Virgins
Name: Prudentius Date: 4th century CE Region: Tarraconensis [modern Spain] Citation: Against Symmachus 2.1064-1079 |
Now I’ll discuss the honor given to
the chastity of the Vestal Virgins,
And how this “honor” reflects all of
their [Roman polytheists’] “respect” for chastity.
First of all, little girls are taken
in their tender years
Before they are old enough to understand
and consent.
All hyped up with religious zeal and
purity culture,
They reject the natural bonds of
They become slaves to their chastity
and are dragged to ungrateful altars.
These poor girls lose their sense of
bodily pleasure
Not because it’s the right thing to
But because their free will was taken
from them.
Their bodies might remain chaste,
But their minds are not kept pure.
They stay up at night restlessly and
sigh in their unwed beds
The blind wounds and the wedding
denied to them.
And since their secret hope doesn’t
extinguish their fire completely
(For they can get married in their old
They run to the altar as gray-haired
Vesta demands purity for her maidens
For an allotted time,
but they immediately reject her as old
Rejecting Purity Culture: A Christian
Author Lambasts Vestal Virgins
Quae nunc Vestalis sit virginitatis
discutiam, qua lege regat decus omne
ac primum parvae teneris capiuntur in
ante voluntatis propriae quam libera
laude pudicitiae fervens et amore
iusta maritandi condemnet vincula sexus,
captivus pudor ingratis addicitur
nec contempta perit miseris sed
adempta voluptas
corporis intacti: non mens intacta
nec requies datur ulla toris, quibus
innuba caecum
vulnus et amissas suspirat femina
tum quia non totum spes salva
interficit ignem,
nam resides quandoque faces adolere
festaque decrepitis obtendere flammea
tempore praescripto membra intemerata
tandem virgineam fastidit Vesta senectam.
Prudentius [Aurelius Prudentius Clemens; 348 – 413 CE, modern
Spain] was a Christian author from Roman Hispania who had great influence in
the court of Emperor Theodosius I. Most of his works deal with using his
Christian beliefs to counter Roman polytheism and mythology.
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