Name: Prudentius Date: 4th century CE Region: Tarraconensis [modern Spain] Citation: Against Symmachus 1.271-277 |
In this poem, the Christian author Prudentius refers to Antinous as a "deliciae," which is usually used to refer to slaves / human trafficking victims. His disdain for same sex relationships is evident, as he equates the relationship as negating Antinous' masculinity.
What can I say about Antinous,
The man turned into a constellation,
The boyfriend of our divine Emperor [Hadrian]
The man denied a man’s role
as he lies in the emperor’s arms
The Divine Hadrian’s Ganymede,
Who doesn’t pour drinks for the gods
but instead reclines on the couch with his Jupiter
drinking the sacred drink of ambrosia & nectar
and listens to prayers offered to his imperial husband?
quid loquar Antinoum
caelesti in sede locatum,
illum delicias nunc
divi principis, illum
purpureo in gremio
spoliatum sorte virili,
Hadrianique dei
Ganymedem, non cyathos dis
porgere sed medio
recubantem cum Iove fulcro
nectaris ambrosii
sacrum potare Lyaeum,
suo in templis vota exaudire marito?
Prudentius [Aurelius Prudentius Clemens; 348 – 413 CE, modern
Spain] was a Christian author from Roman Hispania who had great influence in
the court of Emperor Theodosius I. Most of his works deal with using his
Christian beliefs to counter Roman polytheism and mythology.
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