Friday, August 4, 2023

Women Saving their City: Polyaenus, Strat. 8.33

After killing 7,777 Argive men in battle, the Spartan King Cleomenes headed for the city of Argos to take it by force. The musician Telesilla led the Argive women in battle; these women stood armed at the ramparts, overlooking the walls around the city, and they fended off Cleomenes. They also fended off the other Spartan King Demaratus’ attack, and saved their city from danger. Even today, the Argives still celebrate the women’s strategy; during this holiday, women wear men’s tunics and men wear women’s dresses.

 --Polyaenus, Strategematon 8.33, Translated into Latin by Justus Vulteio (1691)


Cleomenes Spartiatarum rex, interfectis in prelio Argivis viris ad septem millia septingentos, septuaginta septem, inter Argos direxit, ut per vim urbem caperet. Telesilla musica Argivas armatas ad pugnam eduxit: quae armatae in propugnaculis stantes, circumcirca muros tuentes, Cleomenem repulerunt. Demaratum vero alterum regem etiam expulerunt, urbemque a periculo vindicarunt. Et hoc mulierum stratagema usque in hodiernum diem Argivi celebrant numenia cuiusque mensis, mulieres virilibus tunicis & Chlamydibus, viros autem peplis muliebribus amicientes.


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