
Tuesday, March 5, 2024

M/M: A Medieval version of the Hyacinthus myth, Hildebert of Levardin XIV

et deus et medicus et amans, rescindere frustra

tentans Aebalidae funera, Phoebus ait;

"parcite, di, puero, si non moriatur uterque;

malo sequi puerum quam superesse deum.

Si prohibetis et hoc, sit pars utriusque superstes,

par cadit, ignoscens sic minor esse deo.

Quisque feret laetus propriae dispendia partis,

dum pars ad manes, pars est ad superos."

--Hildebart of Levardin #IV, Phoebus de Interitu Hyacinthi


Phoebus, being

A god

A healer

And a lover,

Trying in vain to stop Hyacinth from dying, said,

“Gods, please spare my boyfriend!

If we cannot both die,

I’d rather follow him in death

Than remain living as a god.

If you won’t allow this,

Let part of both of us remain together

And part of us die together,

And I will come to terms with losing my godhood.

Both of us will happily adjust to losing part of ourselves,

While part of us falls to the underworld together,

The other part of us flying hand-in-hands to the stars.”


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