Name: Servius Date: 4th – 5th century CE Region: [modern Italy] Citation: Commentary on the Aeneid, 11.8.42 |
“You paid the cruel punishment...” A person ‘pays,’ who uses money. Here it is used as a metaphor for the death penalty. This has a fairly long explanation: the Volsci come from the Hylinas River, and Amazons are said to live there. Camilla ‘paid the penalty’ because she fought against the Trojans, when her predecessor agreed to be their allies [i.e, Penthesilea].
crudele luisti
supplicium iuris verbo usus est. 'luere' enim debere dicitur qui pecuniam
solvit: quod hic usurpatum est in capitis poenam. quidam huius loci longam
expositionem tradunt: Volscos a Volscatibus Hylinis originem ducere, †exclytas
autem, inter quos Amazones sunt, regionem Illyricam incolere. luisse ergo
supplicium Camillam dicunt, quae adversum Troianos arma tulerit, quibus maiores
eius auxilium constat tulisse, id est Penthesileam.
Servius [Maurus Servius Honoratus; 4th – 5th
century CE] Servius’ name is unfortunately the only thing we know of this
author. Little is known about the author or manuscript tradition for the
grammatical commentary of Vergil’s Aeneid.
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