Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Challenging Gender Roles: Hipparchia's Universal Home

I don’t have a roof, or a house, or a homeland

Instead the whole world, both city & countryside

are available to me as a home.

 --Hipparchia, published in Mulierum Graecarum (1735) p. 68, Translated into Latin by Christian Wolff

Ουχ εις πάτρας μοι πύργος ου μία λέγη

Πάσης δ χέρσε κα πόλισμα κα δόμος

τοιμος μν νδιαιτσθαι πάρα.

Non turris una, nec casa una patriae

mihi est, sed universae arces terrae,& domus

parata nobis mansio & caenacula. 

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